Remembering Hiroshima, Imagining Peace
2018 Events - Review of the 73rd Anniversary

Ride: "Bike Around the Bomb" riders embarked on a 13-mile ride to commemorate the anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This annual route is a symbolic loop that represents the zone of permanent destruction that would follow the detonation of a relatively small nuclear weapon if it were to be dropped on downtown Pittsburgh. Co-sponsored by Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom and the Raging Grannies. Stay tuned for our 2019 ride!
Lecture: Jackie Cabasso presented “Our Divided World: The Quest for Nuclear Disarmament and the Growing Dangers of Wars Among Nuclear-Armed States,” at Duquesne University. Jackie Cabasso is the Executive Director of Western States Legal Foundation, North American Coordinator for Mayors for Peace, and Executive Advisor to the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation.
Exhibition: "50 Cities 50 Traces" featured 50 distinctive "traces" created by German artist Klaudia Dietewich from cities around the world. A co-production with Mayors for Peace and the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, this exhibit, which will be traveling the world through 2020, made its first US appearance as part of the Festival of Firsts at 937 Gallery downtown. The opening reception on September 21 featured remarks by the artist and curator and an original jazz composition by Pittsburgh pianist Irene Monteverde. Click image at left for more photos of the exhibition. See more here.

Film: "The Day of the Western Sunrise" at Row House Cinema is an animated documentary conveying the story of Daigo Fukuryu Maru, or the Lucky Dragon No. 5, and the crew who encountered and survived the Castle Bravo hydrogen bomb test on March 1, 1954. The three survivors interviewed recall their lives before the bomb, the blast itself, their quarantine in Tokyo hospitals, and their new lives as 'hibakusha.' This was a World Premiere exclusive to Pittsburgh!

Film: “Power Struggle” at Alphabet City chronicles how citizen activists and the small state of Vermont win a rare grassroots environmental victory in their battle against one of America’s biggest utility corporations to shut down Vermont Yankee, a dangerous aging nuclear power plant. Filmed over five years, this film is an inspiring story of citizens and their elected officials who stand up and speak truth to power.
Support for our fall 2018 events was provided in large part by Opportunity Fund and by Green Mountain Energy.