Remembering Hiroshima, Imagining Peace
Upcoming - Marking the 73rd Anniversary
Film: "The Day of the Western Sunrise" at Row House Cinema is an animated documentary conveying the story of Daigo Fukuryu Maru, or the Lucky Dragon No. 5, and the crew who encountered and survived the Castle Bravo hydrogen bomb test on March 1, 1954. The three survivors interviewed recall their lives before the bomb, the blast itself, their quarantine in Tokyo hospitals, and their new lives as 'hibakusha.' This is a World Premiere exclusive to Pittsburgh!
October 15, 7pm “Power Struggle” at Alphabet City, 40 W. North Avenue,15212. This feature-length documentary chronicles how citizen activists and the small state of Vermont win a rare grassroots environmental victory in their battle against one of America’s biggest utility corporations to shut down Vermont Yankee, a dangerous aging nuclear power plant. Filmed over five years, this film is an inspiring story of citizens and their elected officials who stand up and speak truth to power. Film showing followed by discussion with the Director. Hosted by City of Asylum. More info here.
Oct 22 - Nov 19 "Strange Beauty: Autoradiography from Fukushima," City County Building Lobby. This exhibit by Japanese photojournalist Takashi Morizumi contains twenty panels with visually stunning photographs of ordinary objects that sparkle, revealing the radiation that contaminates them. Four additional panels highlight Morizumi’s images of the land, people, and remains of the Fukushima Daiichi Plant along with the photographer’s observations and residents’ testimonials.
Support for our fall events was provided in large part by Opportunity Fund and by Green Mountain Energy.